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Labrinth (v2.7.0/15cf3fc)

This documentation doesn’t provide a way to test our API. In order to facilitate testing, we recommend the following tools:

  • cURL (recommended, command-line)
  • ReqBIN (recommended, online)
  • Postman
  • Insomnia
  • Your web browser, if you don’t need to send headers or a request body

Once you have a working client, you can test that it works by making a GET request to

  "about": "Welcome traveler!",
  "documentation": "",
  "name": "modrinth-labrinth",
  "version": "2.7.0"

If you got a response similar to the one above, you can use the Modrinth API! When you want to go live using the production API, use instead of


This API has two options for authentication: personal access tokens and OAuth2. All tokens are tied to a Modrinth user and use the Authorization header of the request.


Authorization: mrp_RNtLRSPmGj2pd1v1ubi52nX7TJJM9sznrmwhAuj511oe4t1jAqAQ3D6Wc8Ic

You do not need a token for most requests. Generally speaking, only the following types of requests require a token:

  • those which create data (such as version creation)
  • those which modify data (such as editing a project)
  • those which access private data (such as draft projects, notifications, emails, and payout data)

Each request requiring authentication has a certain scope. For example, to view the email of the user being requested, the token must have the USER_READ_EMAIL scope. You can find the list of available scopes on GitHub. Making a request with an invalid scope will return a 401 error.

Please note that certain scopes and requests cannot be completed with a personal access token or using OAuth. For example, deleting a user account can only be done through Modrinth’s frontend.


Applications interacting with the authenticated API should create an OAuth2 application. You can do this in the developer settings.

Once you have created a client, use the following URL to have a user authorize your client:<CLIENT_ID>&redirect_uri=<CALLBACK_URL>&scope=<SCOPE_ONE>+<SCOPE_TWO>+<SCOPE_THREE>

Then, use the following URL to get the token:

This route will be changed in the future to move the _internal part to v3.

Personal access tokens

Personal access tokens (PATs) can be generated in from the user settings.

GitHub tokens

For backwards compatibility purposes, some types of GitHub tokens also work for authenticating a user with Modrinth’s API, granting all scopes. We urge any application still using GitHub tokens to start using personal access tokens for security and reliability purposes. GitHub tokens will cease to function to authenticate with Modrinth’s API as soon as version 3 of the API is made generally available.

Cross-Origin Resource Sharing

This API features Cross-Origin Resource Sharing (CORS) implemented in compliance with the W3C spec. This allows for cross-domain communication from the browser. All responses have a wildcard same-origin which makes them completely public and accessible to everyone, including any code on any site.


The majority of items you can interact with in the API have a unique eight-digit base62 ID. Projects, versions, users, threads, teams, and reports all use this same way of identifying themselves. Version files use the sha1 or sha512 file hashes as identifiers.

Each project and user has a friendlier way of identifying them; slugs and usernames, respectively. While unique IDs are constant, slugs and usernames can change at any moment. If you want to store something in the long term, it is recommended to use the unique ID.


The API has a ratelimit defined per IP. Limits and remaining amounts are given in the response headers.

  • X-Ratelimit-Limit: the maximum number of requests that can be made in a minute
  • X-Ratelimit-Remaining: the number of requests remaining in the current ratelimit window
  • X-Ratelimit-Reset: the time in seconds until the ratelimit window resets

Ratelimits are the same no matter whether you use a token or not. The ratelimit is currently 300 requests per minute. If you have a use case requiring a higher limit, please contact us.

User Agents

To access the Modrinth API, you must use provide a uniquely-identifying User-Agent header. Providing a user agent that only identifies your HTTP client library (such as “okhttp/4.9.3”) increases the likelihood that we will block your traffic. It is recommended, but not required, to include contact information in your user agent. This allows us to contact you if we would like a change in your application’s behavior without having to block your traffic.

  • Bad: User-Agent: okhttp/4.9.3
  • Good: User-Agent: project_name
  • Better: User-Agent: github_username/project_name/1.56.0
  • Best: User-Agent: github_username/project_name/1.56.0 ( or User-Agent: github_username/project_name/1.56.0 (


Modrinth follows a simple pattern for its API versioning. In the event of a breaking API change, the API version in the URL path is bumped, and migration steps will be published below.

When an API is no longer the current one, it will immediately be considered deprecated. No more support will be provided for API versions older than the current one. It will be kept for some time, but this amount of time is not certain.

We will exercise various tactics to get people to update their implementation of our API. One example is by adding something like STOP USING THIS API to various data returned by the API.

Once an API version is completely deprecated, it will permanently return a 410 error. Please ensure your application handles these 410 errors.


Inside the following spoiler, you will be able to find all changes between versions of the Modrinth API, accompanied by tips and a guide to migrate applications to newer versions.

Here, you can also find changes for Minotaur, Modrinth’s official Gradle plugin. Major versions of Minotaur directly correspond to major versions of the Modrinth API.

API v1 to API v2

These bullet points cover most changes in the v2 API, but please note that fields containing mod in most contexts have been shifted to project. For example, in the search route, the field mod_id was renamed to project_id.

  • The search route has been moved from /api/v1/mod to /v2/search
  • New project fields: project_type (may be mod or modpack), moderation_message (which has a message and body), gallery
  • New search facet: project_type
  • Alphabetical sort removed (it didn’t work and is not possible due to limits in MeiliSearch)
  • New search fields: project_type, gallery
    • The gallery field is an array of URLs to images that are part of the project’s gallery
  • The gallery is a new feature which allows the user to upload images showcasing their mod to the CDN which will be displayed on their mod page
  • Internal change: Any project file uploaded to Modrinth is now validated to make sure it’s a valid Minecraft mod, Modpack, etc.
    • For example, a Forge 1.17 mod with a JAR not containing a mods.toml will not be allowed to be uploaded to Modrinth
  • In project creation, projects may not upload a mod with no versions to review, however they can be saved as a draft
    • Similarly, for version creation, a version may not be uploaded without any files
  • Donation URLs have been enabled
  • New project status: archived. Projects with this status do not appear in search
  • Tags (such as categories, loaders) now have icons (SVGs) and specific project types attached
  • Dependencies have been wiped and replaced with a new system
  • Notifications now have a type field, such as project_update

Along with this, project subroutes (such as /v2/project/{id}/version) now allow the slug to be used as the ID. This is also the case with user routes.

Minotaur v1 to Minotaur v2

Minotaur 2.x introduced a few breaking changes to how your buildscript is formatted.

First, instead of registering your own publishModrinth task, Minotaur now automatically creates a modrinth task. As such, you can replace the task publishModrinth(type: TaskModrinthUpload) { line with just modrinth {.

To declare supported Minecraft versions and mod loaders, the gameVersions and loaders arrays must now be used. The syntax for these are pretty self-explanatory.

Instead of using releaseType, you must now use versionType. This was actually changed in v1.2.0, but very few buildscripts have moved on from v1.1.0.

Dependencies have been changed to a special DSL. Create a dependencies block within the modrinth block, and then use scope.type("project/version"). For example, required.project("fabric-api") adds a required project dependency on Fabric API.

You may now use the slug anywhere that a project ID was previously required.



Security scheme type: apiKey

Header parameter name: Authorization